Will I Be Asleep in Sedation Dentistry?

General & Cosmetic Dentist serving Hoboken, Jersey City & Hudson County areas of New Jersey


One of the misconceptions with sedation dentistry is that you will be completely asleep during your dental procedure. In most instances, this is simply not true.

Dr. Frank offers 3 sedation dentistry options:

  • Nitrous oxide gas
  • Oral conscious sedation
  • IV sedation

Most of our sedation dentistry patients are given either nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation. These options will make you completely relaxed, but you will be conscious so that you can follow any instructions Dr. Frank has for you. If you take nitrous oxide, you’ll remember everything, but if you take oral conscious sedation, you may not remember some or even all of your dental procedure.

Dr. Frank only uses IV sedation for very complicated procedures or in situations where multiple procedures are being performed at once. If you are given IV sedation, you will be unconscious for your procedure and will not remember anything. Our anesthesiologist, Dr. Atlas, will monitor you for the duration of your procedure to ensure your IV sedation is administered in the safest possible manner.

To learn more about our sedation dentistry options, please contact the Practice at Maxwell Place using the form at the bottom right side of the page or call 201-792-9400 today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Frank serves patients in Hoboken and Jersey City, New Jersey.